help with ἀποτετειχισμέναι
Reciting Sappho in reconstructed pronunciation
How to move past knowing i will never transition
quick thoughts on gotm because i know just from the first 100 pages of DH this series will make me puke
Fuck it. I'm a politician now.
Congratulations America.
Clara Schumann was a great composer.
This went from sad to funny to sad again jfc 💀
Outblacklunged by FB again
Any idea what FROM was thinking with Capra Demon?
they are performing transgender operations on illegal hollows from mirrah
Found this on Facebook
FUCK man.
Elden Ring DLC spoilers without context
This is assuming these "Demon's Souls fans" exist
post elden lord ending,you are 18 inches deep in radagon and marika is 18 inches deep in you,are you moving forward or backwards?
Marika’s willing executioners
In light of recent events
i feel gross for liking women
The double standard
true tho
Search your feelings, you know it to be true
Which game and area is this for you?
If you could look like any well known lady,who would it be?
Lore Gaius > Gameplay Gaius