The first Cabinet meeting of the second Trump administration
Insurance Surveyor
List of fake American names I found on IG
Spotted these gems over on Daddit
The person who discovered nuclear power…
What to do for a few hours?
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
TIL Enya has never performed a full concert.
To the lady at Fat Straws with her son
Is Big Tex too White?
What flight itinerary would you choose to go from Asheville to Tokyo?
PsBattle: Obama reads to Trump
Many patients would never even make it to the $1,000,000 dollar a year surgeon without the $40,000 a year EMS.
Ercot Weather Alert Issued for Jan. 6-10, 2025
Best Spot on the Wheel
Why are there so many vape shops in Dallas?
Just wanted to share this in case anyone wants to do a space theme. Decals from Etsy and pictures are free-use images from NASA JPL printed and framed.
What Dallas staple did it take you a long time to experience or come around to?
8 of the top 23 revenue producers in the U.S. is a healthcare company [OC]
Go get some double deliciousness!
Would you pay an optional 1% federal income tax to ensure no company is tracking you on your wireless devices?
Last Halloween I arrived at #63: National Park of American Samoa. Took me 5 years and 1 month to visit them all.
We finished! Olympic won best national park. Thoughts on the series??
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Rich people in Dallas