Help making decision: Steam deck oled dual boot vs Lenovo legion go/Asus ally x dual boot
Why didn't Walt let the Schwartzs pay for his treatment?
Misdirection Jokes
help setting up local services and public services using tailscale, nginx proxy manager and cloudflare domain
Setting up local dev services and public available services using tailscale
What jobs would the 99 have if they weren't cope? DAY 2: Jacob Peralta
Does no go zone mean something else ? Why does it keep going into the no go zone
Apple TV issue , only a quarter of the screen comes up sometimes
Did you ever work with a codebase so garbage it made you angry just looking at it?
what is your take on the current H1B visa law?
I love characters who take “the end justifies the means” a little too seriously
RIP r/monstergirls
Proxmox connection is 100 mb/s even tho my hardware is capable of 2500
Do other companies spend a disproportionate amount of time cleaning up their messes?
Need help/guide to setup a prod/testing environment for my personal project
Does anyone enjoy doing Production Support over doing Greenfield development?
Plex ios app playback limit?
Chicken that was frozen in 2018
The gameplay and rewards are genuinely slept on
Who do you think is more reckless with money? Jake or Charles?
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 2.0 lets gooooo