Hi all! I’m a plein-air painter in the area.
Renovation Before & Afters
Debater dies inside when genius claims government agencies pay taxes…
Perfect mix of lighting temps
What is this and how do I get rid of it?
Girls pulling a 'my husband' on BFs. Men, are simple beings.
No before pics, because my phone decided to parkour and didn't survive.
Previous owners really understood lighting temps
What are your worst triggers? (Will 100%make you flare up every time)
The hitchhiker from season 3 still gets to me
Is Martinez a no-go due to the refinery?
My before and after. Designed myself. How’d I do?
How can I prevent this hair texture ?
my hair is driving me crazyy
After/ before. Kitchen remodel in my 1958 ranch home. Mid century modern inspired to replace a 1990s white on white kitchen.
It seems I do everything right but my hair still looks unhealthy
is there any hope for my hair?
How do you like it?
What is this decor style called?
Kitchen finally completed, would love to hear your thoughts
New Year, New Kitchen! ✨
The rest of the comments were in support of this and the same people who said it was messed up got torn apart in the comments
Oakland Drivers/Road Rage
This used to be 22000 square foot of lawn. After 10 years of hard work, started mostly from seeds. Here is the result, plus the wildlife thta moved in.