What can I eat on a college budget?
Now that the first half of the decade is over, how would you rank the first five years?
Is there a 2004er who remembers this?
What's Everyone's Current Favorite TV Show?
What are/were your favorite songs from the 2000-2010s that give you nostalgia?
Does anyone remember a mall game from around 2016-ish?
Which professor is best for SPA 101?
Your stuck on a 8 hour flight what seat you choosing
Can classes for my minor count as electives for my major?
Who’s your favorite character in the whole show?
What is reasonable apartment pricing?
Does your family express interest in your studies?
Planning a European trip next summer, where should we go?
Thinking of going to Nashville for Christmas, what’s fun to do there?
What's the best way to find potential roommates as an incoming transfer student?
Is my professor being unreasonable or am I??
Gen Z Hate
Best Sophomore Dormitory at UAB ?
things to do around UAB?
Son Feels College is a "Scam"
What's the most useless thing you still have memorized?
Housing Accommodations Near the Campus
How did you justify college?