Whatever happened to Chan Ho Park, He Sop Choi and Nomar Garciapara?
Who’s your Favorite player that played for a Rival team?
Most and Least Educated State in the United States
Flying out of Bradley international and see this mountain in the distance, what mountain is it?
Dan Marino 4th and 10 against the wind!
Over $100 for a f*ckin’ hat?
Random rabbit hole facts of the day:
Need help identifying these hats
Older generations need to understand that Gen Z isn’t willing to work hard for a mediocre life.
Going to a restaurant right before they close is not rude. What's rude is posting hours that you claim you're Open but are expecting people to act like you're not.
What do Canadian geese do when they're down south?
Why are a disproportionate amount of military service members from the South?
This week I purposely ate a GenX dinner.
Boston Celtics sold to private-equity manager
Could a scratch golfer playing a 2 ball scramble by themselves make the cut at the Players?
What's a risk you took that totally worked out?
Was listening some grunge from the 90's and it occured to me to ask...
Actual '80s
TIL that Michael Jackson died while Glastonbury Festival was taking place in the UK. Within hours, souvenir shops around the site had begun selling T-shirts with "I was at Glasto 09 when Jacko died" printed on them.
It's March 19, do I put my winter stuff away?
Is pumping gas with the car on actually dangerous?
What are some top examples of a joke getting stretched too thin?
What is the most disappointing landmark in the US?
Well, actually...
State Senator Elaine Morgan’s Facebook response to racist post