The Antlered Man- Stuck by @totemic_tattoo on ig. Handpoke and Lithic Incisions
What are some US cities that meet my climate preferences for at least half the year?
What city did you most change your mind on and why?
which **neighborhoods** have the best atmosphere and quality of life?
which design is your favorite? (planning to do it in black on my ankle, 5RL)
Thigh Handpoke (not done by me)
Found this receipt in a book at my local community college today
Where do you come from and what does your walking environment look like?
First on real skin
Had these little marks on one side of my face as long as I can remember, never had acne, rest of my face is totally smooth except another mark on my eyelid
Unfucked the impossible
Petah Parkuh , help
Monday Report: what have you unfucked? What are you going to unfuck this week? Share all your unfucking tidbits here!
I'm an air traffic controller, been single for 4 years, and haven't heard anything kind spoken to me in a long time.
Day 3 of Getting Every US County From Comments
Little tattoo on my leg :)
Alternatively to the other other post - How cozy would it be to live in this part of Spain?
Taught my apprentice how to handpoke. This is her 8/9th tattoo on real skin. One pass.
German citizenship by descent: The ultimate guide for anyone with a German ancestor who immigrated after 1870
My fellow Americans, do you pronounce "museum" as "myoo-ZEE-um", "myoo-ZAM", or other?
Köppen CFB-precipitation threshold.
How many of these are actually fossils? Help with ID? Found in NJ
The concept of light pollution is absolutely crazy
Geography/River questions
looking for people interested complement system/proteins research