37lpa in India vs 60k € in Spain
37lpa in India vs 50k € in Spain
Does this career move make sense - 37lpa in India vs 60k Euros in Spain?
37lpa in India or 60k Euros in Spain?
Diwali Picture MegaThread
Saved my ass from a near death accident, I need your legal advise now.
Keralite fired from Gulf job over insensitive comments about flood victims
Engineers of r/india, do you ever get dream(s) that you are in the exam hall and are about to fail because you didn't write anything; but in fact you graduated years ago [x-post /r/AskEngineers]
What games are you playing this weekend ?
Homemade keema-do-pyaza pizza from scratch.
Going cold turkey after smoking a pack daily for 7 years. Wish me luck guys.
Rs 2,000 and a citation for Good Samaritans who take accident victims to hospital in Delhi | The Delhi Cabinet approved the scheme in January 2017, and it finally became operational 10 days ago.
Found this while playing Pubg
If Reddit was a sinking ship (literally), what would each subreddit do?
Narendra Modi claims 100% electrification | 'The Hindu' cartoon
What are some cool websites where you can download free stuff?
Long exposure of an Indian highway [5635x3916][OC]
Telegram is up again
Old Indian Ads - 2
Indian start-up among finalists in US-based ‘water from air’ contest. Contest is to create a device that extracts a minimum of 2,000 litres of water per day from air using renewable energy
Mumbai: Muslim men mobilise women for mass rally against triple talaq Bill. Thousands of women expected to converge at Azad Maidan today as men cite ‘danger to religion’.
[Need advice] Company wants me to resign from my current job but refuses to give me a formal offer letter
Another one of Modi's hugs, but this time its the French President's expression which has caught everyone's eye
The Amarnath cave entrance photographed in 1911