My Honest Brawlstars Tier List Part 2
5 best gadgets post gadget rework of s36 from personal experience
Top 5 gadgets after the gadget rework! (suggestion for other gadgets in comments)
Someone made an ai of me so I had to talk to it...
What's the worst enchantment?
Brawlers ranked by voicelines
seems like i'm the bad guy now
felt like a fuckin professional
Why is Gliscor used so much on high ladder? (question from low ladder)
I enraged you with my meele tier list so now's time for ranged weapons tier list
Skin bingo again! If you've seen the skin in game 5 times that's a strike.
1 on 1 unarmed fight against brawlers
Can blue win with this defence
random battle tips
Just started a new account for fun. On my very first star drop I got Kenji.
Saw a tierlist of brawlers second classes so I made one myself
A few weeks its been in ranked. Your opinion?
Theorymon - 6 different gears as items!
Guess this Tierlist
I bet nobody can solve the meaning of this tierlist.
i literally got banned cuz i said bad bot
I AM BEGGING YOU add performance/objective based elo gain/loss!!!!
is mitosis welcome here