[LotM end] What is your Best/Favorite moment or line of LotM?
[lotm general] what are y’all’s wallpapers?
Would The Fool make a good constellation?
[lotm] IT'S THE TRUTH!
With the release of the anime coming up. What scenes are you most excited to see animated? (LOTM anime)
[Lotm general] I just found Amon in the wild.
[lotm general] Got a practical in like 3 hours, didn't sleep whole night. may the fool bless me
What are some peak fiction moments in isekai?
[Lotm general] Weird question , but if amon impregnates his own avatar , would the child also be Amon?
[LOTM General] (I don't want to play matchmaker!) He's everywhere....
[LOTM ]Can I have a good recommendation
Best Isekai MC in your opinion?
Ik when this scene gets animated, it will devastate me [lotm donghua]
Comment your Best reaction Tag/meme
40 year old iskeai shagger anime referencing best girl isekai
Wrath is way scarier than I imagined he'd be
What other MCs look unique?
Bro changed so much
If any of us got sent to [LOTM], we'd be so cooked
[Donghua] Why does bro's 'Ancient copper whistle' look like a vape here😭
What character is this? [lotm general] (no you may not say amon)
What character is this?
[LOTM] Are certain pathways more compatible with each other despite not being under the same ATS?
[LotM General] What character has you fighting for your life like this?