Is Reddit popular among Indians?
Permanent birth control for couple
Which gives you harder orgasm; Oral, clit vibrator, dildo, dick in vagina, anal or something else???
Women, which gives you harder orgasm; Oral, clit vibrator, dildo, dick in vagina, anal or something else???
Anyone here who had sex with wife/husband of your friends/colleagues? Who approached first, you or the other one?
Anyone here who did sex with wife/husband of your friends/colleagues
Anyone here who had fucked wife/husband of your friends/colleagues
Is most Indian couple are going for single kid? What is the limiting factor behind this?
Finger, tongue or dick or something else: Dear ladies, what you like in your pussy?
Do your spouse, family members, friends knows about Reddit and they know about your profile?
Is it mallus , bongs , gujjus , marathis or other , which women are the freakiest...🤪
How common is open relationship in India now days??
How common are extramarital affairs in India?
What is a physical sign of pleasure that you really enjoy seeing from a partner?
What is a kink you never expected to be into, but actually enjoy now?
On a scale of 1-10, how likely is it that you’ll be giving oral this week?
Do you really enjoy giving or reciving oral sex?
Do women like men using sex toys on them? which toys you like?
Thoughts about oral sex
Psychology behind oral sex
In theory, giving oral is more pleasurable than receiving. As M/F do you agree that??
Which gender (Men or Women) loves to give oral more? Which gender loves to receive oral more?
my husband got what he deserves.