When police ask the mother of an abandoned baby to come forward for her own welfare, are they being truthful?
Ideas for a 40th on Saturday
Is it normal to be harassed by teenagers where you are?
Do you go on holiday over easter bank holiday?
Is it right that we should always assume our children are not in the wrong?
After a pet is euthanised by a vet, can it be returned to the owner if they want to bury it in the garden?
Where can I meet friendly women my age?
My family and my boyfriend’s family are pressuring me (16f) to marry him (19m) and I feel like i’m losing my mind
Have you been blocked on social media for odd reasons?
How has the cost of living changed your life?
How many pieces of toast do you make at once?
It's Late Thread [ 24 March 25 ]
Overcoming fear of being boring to make genuine friendships,?
AITAH for walking out of dinner when my bf started putting me down?
Apple payment declined on a stagecoach bus
AITA for snitching on my father for hitting my mother to the police?
AITAH for wanting my husband to teach me practical skills?
How many of you are (still) going to the pub and getting on it every weekend?
AITAH for hurting my gf accidentally, she thinks I'm abusive
Monday Mornin’ M’Thread (24 March 25)
Did anyone have particularly strange and/or vivid dreams last night?
If not for 9-5, what would you do?
WIBTAH if I stopped drinking alcohol in my relationship?
AITA my woman friend did not come to my birthday party and I’m not sure if I want to be her friend.
wibta for breaking up with my boyfriend over him messing with my bc.