Antibiotic resources
Before you head out for the weekend...
Automating OPM replies:
What are your favorite RN/Expo aliases? Drop them below! 👇
Resources to learn animations
Antibiotics made easy: A free app for antibiotic guidance
React Native Firebase does not work for web
Account Delete using Firebase Auth (App Store rejection**)
Super-simple antibiotic guidance app for emergency medicine
Show Your Work Thread
An update on risk assessment for Lido's Community Staking with suggested bond parameters.
Running a 32 ETH Node vs Using an online Staking Platform.
Low APR as solo staker compared to LRT
Stakers Union: Open for Applications
Verifying home staking
Keyboar Event Emitter - React Native
Searching for guidance on how to achieve this with react native.
Struggling to Read CTs
APY doomed to decline?
Stakers Union: a collective of home-stakers
Free app for AI-based sim cases
u-sim: Free app for AI-based medical simulation
Fast OpenAI Streaming
ECG Animation