Which perks should i use on this behemoth?
hope everyone got it
Grinded my @ss off for this
315 gems😭
Rate my league team
Got him for around 300 gems
Please tell me I’m not the only one who finds this ugly as hell
Lf a level 6 alliance
Got this for 75 gems, is it worth it?
LF gale the strategist orbs
I neeeeed it! my heart belongs to him!!!
Dual perception or grace karma dragon?
Got all the evaders!
Which are the best L dragons?
For anyone that didn't see it
Why can’t use my havoc evader dragon
Drop your setups below boys and gals
Suggest me a good earphone or earbuds under 20k
AirPods Pro 2gen or Sony xm5 headphones?
My Productivity/Gaming Setup
1st build after being a laptop gamer my whole life. Did I do good?
Setup built over 5 years