SEASON 3::::
Unpopular opinion poll
I truly don’t know how Mike White is gonna top this season!!
Nothing ever happens everywhere all at once
You're moving to Taiwan!?
Daphne on Saxon
They would destroy Saxon’s red pill ass so bad he’d write a 5,000 word Reddit rant about it.
The bastards finally added it
Tim needs a lorazepam
Debate súmamente importante.
¿Cómo iniciar una conversación?
What is your favorite Blair quote?
mejor gramajo de mvd?
A meter unos días de playa
Thefts per 100,000 people:
Why Tiktok came back
La uruguayez y las tareas domésticas
Trying to get a Weeknd fan from every country
Duda donde aprender ingles
Miedo al abandono.
Solo podes elegir una.
A little frustrated
what do my faves say about me?