What's something physical about men, that women won't understand.
Why does everyone feel so boring after college?
If your religion clashes with your ideologies (feminism, homosexuality), you look for another or find loopholes in it?
Who do you look like more from your parents?
How important is dating someone with a similar financial background?
My cloud ended up too big
Does anyone else feel like their APs are exceptionally more screen addicted (legit iPad children)
LPT: motivate your child/ kids to memorize your mobile phone number.
Your username dictates what happens to you for the next 24 hours. What will happen?
Why do I look pitifully ugly all of a sudden?
Why do most men prefer women with long hair?
Am I crazy to feel like this guy's a douche?
People who only date their type, how is it going?
Fashion school is killing my creativity🥲
Asian parenting often creates insecure and unprepared adult women
Why do colds suck so bad but I can break a bone and be fine?
First Date Flowers – Thoughts on Giving a Small Bouquet?
How much does facial asymmetry matter to women?
Laying in my baby’s lap to see her reaction
What is this kind of Asian dress/style called?
Coldest February night on record in parts of Victoria with summer snow in the Alps
I made my first handbag!
Is it right to put full/partial blame on the victim of grooming on some cases?
If God created Adam and Eve, and they only had Cain and Abel, who did they marry? And if they had wives… where the hell did those women come from?