How can he chug a beer so fast....?🤯
Demon Through Ryu LVL 1
Had to ascend the desk to keep up.
Quick Double Perfect Vs. Modern Manon
Is this worth it?
Bad time to miss a DP
How many different games have you hit 1000 hours in?
Don't Teabag Kids
Giving Zangief a taste of his own medicine
I got money to burn, I’ll buy whatever the top comment says.
Miss is a pull/slice
Swing help
Swing help/tips
Games you can hop on quickly for 20 minutes?
GPU Sag?
GPU Sagging
My first Desktop! (I know I need to get it off the floor)
One of my quicker games...
A cool guide about whistling with your fingers
Referencing the 20s is no longer clear as to what time period it occurred in.
3060 can’t run 1440p
I'm curious how many Master Ranks have played previous Street Fighters and of so, Which One?
Thanks Capcom