Music that Wurm Drama might play or any songs that fit the characters
What are some ingenious ways to use a weak telekinesis power?
Lewd Isekai CYOA 3.0 [OC] [Interactive] [NSFW]
When balancing skill at its peak..😲🤯
is it possible to build a storage system that fills to any point, and then fully drains
Please help settle a dispute, is this a common raven or a crow ? NE England. Thank you !
Humanity's scariest weapons aren't their WMDs. It's their precision weapons.
Lirin's voice
Why tf is bro so depressed? Wrong answers only
[OC] (Mod Approved) Giveaway! Win a hardcover copy of Crown of the Oathbreaker or one of the three PDFs. This 916-page 5e adventure and campaign setting is a unique collector's item that will dominate your shelf.
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Greek Letter Villains
Well, I won't be parking the truck here anymore.
I am giving away a bunch of D&D books to one lucky winner in the comments! Around $300 in value. Worldwide Giveaway [MOD APPROVED] Check out the video and the comments for more details and the rules. Sponsored by Game Master Engine [OC]
PSA: You can skip most of Gelmir Heroes Grave and go straight to the end boss from the very first lava hallway.
Digital masochism at its finest
The bathroom of my friends grandma. Feels very surreal
Finally. Time to sacrifice it all now.
[OC] Dice Set Giveaway!
Divine Beasts portrayed by one image:
All that extra space and you put the toilet that close to the tub?
Why I will never DM again
Almost Ready.
Your entire body teleports exactly 6 feet to your right. How has this affected you?