20yo Devdutt Padikal being a Lone warrior for RCB by scoring a 45 ball 74 vs Prime MI
What are y'all's phones worth?
Is this available now ? It looks sooo goood.
Thoughts on this film ?
Looking at these recent "my bro/sis or close person of yours gifted me or did this for me " types of posts ... (Being emotional here )
Scrap book of my 9 y/o sister 😭🎀
Need help!!
Write down ur inetrests in comments, both boys and girls, and find someone who has similiar taste with u.....
Movies for the weekend
Y Little sister gave me this.....😭
Kindly recommended me some good sugar-free ice creams which is budget friendly and good quantity
When will we get those days back
People make fun of Ajjth for slo mo walks, but IMO Dhanush has done way more of it, and it has gotten repetitive.
Sh/t scared for rcb vs kkr
Opinions on having an elder GF . What are it's benefits?
Is CIMA a good carrer option than ACCA? .......
Women are so beautiful :3
RCB had such a random bowling line up back in 2011. Only Zaheer was famous .
If your friends outgrow you and forget you completely, what would you do ?
For what is Holi celebrated for ?
Rajinikanth in Thenpandi Cheemayile.... Vibe Bro 😎
This 2022 jersey was top-notch. Do you think we'll see the same level of jersey quality this year?
My laptop's not working and I'm stuck in my grandma's house. Give me some ideas to pass time.
What's with this recent breakup discourse of shivangi and what about it??