Asked for a name change via e-mail, and they actually gave me one. Amazing DEVS.
I opened a bag of Cheetos that are well within the "guaranteed fresh" date that are completely stale. What now?
How did the Assassins get their signature design? (White Robes, Beak Hood, Red Sash) is there lore behind the design or did they just copy Bayek?
Weekly Pricing/Buying/Selling/Grading & General Questions Post
Went through my cards for the first time in a while. Is it worth grading JP Eevee Heroes?
What game did you put thousands of hours into just to quit one day? What caused you to quit?
Trophy System can intercept a lot more than just throwables.
Nice views in Stillwater tonight
Elephant backs down when it gets charged by a baby water buffalo.
I hope you all are doing better than me 🙏
Where can I find my Live view insites on Meta? I need to know how many people were watching
The best Canio seed I've ever seen: 1EK6XQHS
The pain is real...
Who says potions have to be drinks?
I have always been confused by Xbox's button names. I now learned its because there are 2 buttons missing on modern controllers
Any midwestern folks in this sub?
My in-law's icemaker has a "Sabbath" mode
Official: [Trade] - Tue Afternoon 10/31/2023
A FeElInG wAsHeS oVeR yOu - AuThOrItY
Gale Dinner!
Tav and I are THIRSTY, okay?
I can't get it out of my head
Y’all, this town is 30 minutes from my house in Alabama
River of Sakura in Kyoto, Japan