Anyone remember her “poetry” phase
“I can’t go to the club, I’ll say words like ‘perchance’ and ‘thrice.’” Nah, you’re good.
Has she ever been a girl’s girl?
Yes, that’s exactly what you’re trying to show here, the chapter you just “read”
Her nasty boots on furniture IN A RESTAURANT…
fourth wing still girly?
oh no, not the ‘i-cant-find-a-young-man-to-prey-on-so-ill-just-go-to-disney-by-myself-and-NOT-w-my-children-like-the-last-time’ candid (but not really) photo @ disney
Bisexual men - where are you?
caught in 4k
Wowww Acacia, your life is so hard 😣 If you can’t take selfies, whatever will you do ❤️🩹
My 13 year old son committed suicide 4 days ago.
Red flags I noticed in her most recent video and posts with A1
She was absolutely foaming at the mouth for them to call her pretty
Ok girl
Do u guys think she washes her hands
Kyra: “this is an opportunity we can’t pass up”. Also Kyra:
Daughter video
The army is growing
Did baby reindeer name her dog after Acacia’s dog?
Obsessed with Jax 🤪💙🤎
This is gonna be Acacia in 3-6 months
Acacia’s music career
You know, maybe she’s not so dumb sometimes
Am I the only one who thinks she’s pregnant?
Unpopular opinion (in my opinion lol)