Roses are red, you look like a duck
my gf gifted me this, what does it mean?
Monthly checkup! What's y'all's sexuality?
what is your best mnemonic?
Thin ice 😬
Could wearing this to a con be considered offensive??
So which is worst the participating in this or the jigsaw games?.
Hold on
What is it
I feel like all of those fit here
What's your favourite patients?
You can tell which "fans" only watched the show through tik tok or YouTube clips
What's something that can happen in Season 3 that will make you pull this move?
Are you straight or cis?
post about an ace person whose partner (also ace) cheated on them
Rate out of ten
When Did Trump Become A Household Name?
I came out to my mom and she asked me why i want to suck dick 😭
be real how many of u are actually straight?
I think the forest nymphs have taught them how to please a woman a second time (HouseMD subreddit)
What kind of porn do you think Doctor House watches?
If Trump were to reinstate the draft so that you could fight for Russia against Ukraine, would you join the military?
They have a flag now?
What the actual fuck is this community banner??!?!
Name one actor whose movies you'll watch simply because they’re in it