Avoid Lith S16 (Saryn Prime Chassis) radshares for now due to a dev mistake that allows scammers to use the non-vaulted relic of the same name in your runs
[Q][rivens][xbox] are these worth anything?
[Xbox][prc] assorted rivens
Are these worth anything?
Changes you would like for hourglass?
SHOW ME YA DRIFTAH - Saw a comment the other day saying it's hard to make a good looking Drifter, so show them your drip 😤 I'll start:
Is this worth anything?
don't miss the omni
Omfg why can't we rename ordis!
Change safer seas for leveling
And here i thought it was only a legend
Why is sun and moon so weak
Got’em!! 🦅 I’ve been playing for a while off and on, and I never knew I could shoot these bad boys out the sky.
Excuse me Mister.... It´s been 3 minutes, can you die please?
I found the most evil thing to do in Warframe.
My boyfriend doesn’t want me to post on social media or wear revealing ish clothes outside.
Who here wants reskins of sun and moon?
What's One Very Small Thing In Warframe That Pisses You Off?
Am i missing something?
They need to ban or limit no mic players.
My new skin (cosplay but i doubt someone guesses it)
How do camo challenges work? Does the down or the kill weapon count?
Immune to healing creatures
Remove every person without a mic
Old book i believe from the 90s