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Clop Vs Permute
Screen recording app which continuously records screen, and can save last few seconds as a video file
App to auto unmount connected drives?
Great Mac Apps that most of you probably never heard of
Indie App Sales starting now / soon
According to my iCloud storage, “documents” are taking up 20GB of space yet when I go to my iCloud Drive folder there is like 10MB of stuff in there
My personal take on must have apps for MacOS
to stop a car with bare hands
Why do macs still require you to safe eject a usb stick? Doesn't the mac file system allow for quick unplug just like ntfs, since it's journalled?
Well she wasn't happy
You've been Caged
Which one?
Puts on $UBER
That pun was totally intended
Red Dead Redemption running great.
Two of us are working on creating a native multiplayer FPS game for Mac (Zero Grounds New Devlog + QnA)
Robert De Niro in 1986 Georgia 🇬🇪. Who are some other celebrities that visited Georgia that many people don't know?
Guy runs onto baseball field to propose
To break in
Your best recommendations for apps, which are not broadly known.
Mac Apps That You Have Been Using For Long Time
My international rugby jersey collection
(Real Footage) Two Frenchmen in 1973 find an uncontacted tribe who have never seen white skin or modern technology before, and think they’re ghosts.
Russians begging the US and UK to stop sending weapons to Ukraine that kills and injures Russian soldiers