EU flag update
"There is no game stacked against brown people." Some users on r/ProfessorMemeology try to argue that people on the left are the real racists
Least stereotyping show
Whenthe history
Teen restriction, is it working?
The sad downfall of India.
I swear this shit makes my blood boil each year , this is like ritual now .
“Only 2/3? I was expecting more. Maybe people I count as foreign-born are actually already second gen immigrants.” Users on r/bayarea react to finding 2/3 of tech workers were not born in the US
Applicable for India as well
Plij Saar don't eat non-bej Saar
Mongolian politician
Character arcs
Hustle grindset
Indian Men vs Women situation is getting out of control
She’s probably the most controversial and subtle political comic artist living today
Chinese lift experience
Thai motorcyclist W (rare)
r/UrbanHell thread about urban decay in Johannesburg turns into a measured discussion on the merits of apartheid and the history of South Africa.
Where is this
Negative self awareness