Should I just settle for this and invest in it or keep grinding (I caught 137 ones so far)
3 shundos in one month!!!
Is it any good purified for ML?
Capital Gains When Swap
Beginner fishing kit/tools
Are these good enough for ML?
Any of these hundos worth investing?
I didn’t realize I had this but should I just hold on to it or open it now?
What is something you tried once but will most likely never do again?
Help me build a GBL team
Get your top 12 strongest Pokemon. I’ll go first:
what’s your dumbest hundo?
What’s your biggest flex?
Which one?
How to Build a *Decent* Team in 5 Minutes
You favorite Sword like fights in movies?
Looking for these, can offer anything below, also accepting other offers
Can I tank to get to ace?
If you’re a tech startup founder, how did you secure funding?
Who can I build around Toxapex in Summer Cup?
What is the best team that I can build for GBL
Weekly Team Help Megathread!
Need help getting to ace 🤪
Is this a brag?