Pokemon Colosseum Remake (Phenac City) we made for Pokemon Day
Wich one would you like to happend this Pokemon Day? I think it will be only Pokemon ZA and maybe an little spin-off, but dreaming is free
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Phenac City remake, work in progress. Feedback is appreciated
[OC] Pokemon Black/White remake project comparison: We reimagine what the city could look like if a remake were made.
Pokemon Black/White remake project comparison. I hope we get a great remake of this game when the time comes. This is how I imagined it when playing back in the day.
Pokemon Black and White remake. Re-Introducing seasons on the project!
Pokemon BlackWhite 3D Remake
Skyarrow bridge from Pokemon Black/White remake I made
Pokemon manholes did for the Castelia city remake. They are based on IRL pokemon manholes but with locations from Unova region.
Castelia City from Pokemon Black/White remake we made just for fun. It's a little playable experiencie with easter eggs and references. It's the complete Castelia city reimagined in 3D, and has a day-night cycle and interaction with NPC.
Pokemon Black/White remake we did of Castelia City. It's playable and simple, but have some easter eggs and references. Is how we wish an Unova remake to be (obviously more professional) .
We finish the remake we did of Castelia City. It's playable and simple, but have some easter eggs and references. Is how we wish an Unova remake to be (obviously more professional). We hope you like it!
A "very legit" leak for a pokemon black/white remake with japanese gibberish and all
We almost finish this little Castelia city's remake/demo. Just some coding and add some NPC and pokemon
Are you expecting a remake for this year? We almost finish ours! We hope to have it finished before the pokemon day!
A remake we are currently making, still work in progress (is not a full game, just a concept). What change would you like to Castelia City?
Remake/reimagination of Castelia City from Black and White. We add a lot a buildings and reimagine some things that will make sense in a city as big as Castelia. Still wip, feedback is greatly appreciated.
Is there a high definition version of these images from the black and white intro? For research purpose...
02 and 02 Soul design we made for a mini playable game of the 02's fight from Kirby 64 (you could only encounter 02 Soul if win flawless).
02 Soul (at second 24) Kirby 64: Secret boss I made (along with 02 battle)
Kirby 64: 02's Boss Battle project, this one is actually playable. Hope you like it.
[OC] Reimagination of the Royal Tomb under Kakariko graveyard, the place where you get the Sun song. Feedback is appreciated (Is work in progress)
Kirby 64 remake idea I made with my brother for fun and nostalgia.
Pokemon Game Project. Looking for feedback and ideas. What other attack could use that would be interesting to play against/work in 3D/be learned in game/not play too similar to these?