What's your favorite song you found from just purely playing Osu!
xootynator | Halozy - Genryuu Kaiko [Higan Torrent] +HDHR (Hollow Wings, 8.42*) 99.59% 2593/2667x 3xMiss #1 | 808pp (995pp if FC) | :(
Problems with flashing the NAND with PicoFlasher (“Console Not Found”)
what if osu! was a fighting game?
Farming pp on piano! Drop - Granat
Ivaxa | Fleshgod Apocalypse - The Violation [pishi's Extra] +DT (Mazzerin, 11.93*) 93.77% 1452/3436x 1xMiss | 1827pp (2165pp if FC) | HIS FIRST 1800pp! | NEW STD PP RECORD!
Not much else to say about it, but still quite stupid
toromivana019 | Avenged Sevenfold - Save Me [Tragedy] +NCHRNF (Drummer, 10.25*) 93.23% 446/4295x 50xMiss | 420pp (1521pp if FC) | A RANK???
Grandparents said they had a spare laptop. Got home and unzipped a laptop from 1990.
Help flashing nand without a device
coaxed into game balance
Performance after ADHD medication
Please send help (I'm a begginer lol)
Xbox360BadUpdate v1.1 released
A new lazer song select uk is in the works and they’re looking for feedback.(link to films in comments)
Any idea in what this strange sound effect is? (And how to remove it?)
[osu!std] splitty | Suspicious (Timewarp)
Mrekk will probably never set a 2k
This moment in the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 still makes me salty
tired of having to explain this everytime bruh
TIFU by not bringing my passport to check in at a hotel
I am currently the highest ranked 6 digit in the world, AMA
HappyStick has no more #1 scores!
Detective | DECO*27 - HIBANA feat. Hatsune Miku [Lock In] +HDDT (- Nilou -, 9.97*) 97.22% FC #1 | 1262pp