Don’t go to Spay/Neuter Express
FES this Reload that SHUT UP
Someone tell me it’s ok for it to look like this sometimes 🫠
I can’t keep doing this
If I stay much longer I’m going to ruin my baby
List of places that are pro Trump?
Michigan adds sexual orientation and gender identity to hate crime law despite 'far-right fiction'
Which Mass Murderers And Serial Killers Were "Sick" And Basically Asking For Help? Which Mass Murderers And Serial Killers Did It Out Of Pure Evil In Your Opinion?
Baby screams the whole time the sitter is here.
Advice for Spider BP Enclosure
I leave the cage open for 5 minutes...
My daughter’s hair is curly - how can I best help it?
Hornworm setup
How effective is medication for severe OCD?
pleasant surprise
Pure CBD or extremely low THC locally?
Never handling again🤦🏼
Does this look like feline herpes?
[USA] [H] koudelka [W] Paypal
Basic enclosure for potentially gravid female?
Baby's cries give me crippling anxiety
What should I put in this enclosure?
Can someone translate prayer plant for me?
Best floor mattresses?
❄️ What’s the coldest temp you take baby out in?