You may be in the closet but Duolingo always knows (im Norway btw)
Bakepapir er fint til sitt bruk altså, men dette tar kaka.
Hva er tidenes norske barne-tv sang?
Helt ærlig
Jeg hater å sitte i sofaen, men hva faen ellers skal jeg gjøre?!
Why does everyone say SKELETA is latin for skeletons?
My new favorite character
Travelling with public transport
Haven't seen this being posted here.
Name for new Ghoulette
Is there a lore reason for how Wilford WarfStache got his red and white striped suit?
Noen som har hacks til Toro pannekaker?
Let us see it!
Why is no one talking about the stuff mark said in the video with the hole digging?
What is, in y'all's opinion, the best and worst packs to buy CAS wise?
Noen som forsatt støtter Trump?
Peeping Tom
My sim got pregnant with 0% chance
Can't log food in the diary
Har du en fluktplan?
To Markiplier about iron lung
made some plushies
Looking for two movies I watched, one of which I was way too young for
Kan dere løse et argument?