Being a mom
Does this amount of toilet paper make you uncomfortable?
Not all disabilities are orthopaedic.
Vaccinating street dogs via blow-dart in Egypt
Where are ya’ll buying princess dresses?
Help with Eyeliner
Nieuwe AH terra Creme fraiche: Mierzoet
Why are so many people getting chronic illnesses now?
What should I do with this find?!? HELP
Does anyone else also not change bedsheets for an embarrassingly long amount of time?
Has the diagnosis been medically helpful to you?
What food did you hate as a child and now that you're an adult you love it?
Hyperfixation Bingo but it's too specific for no reason. How many of these have you gone through before?
White rice left in rice cooker (warming function on) overnight. Safe to eat?
About chronic illness and identity:
Oprechte vraag: hoe gedraagt iemand zich als een 'wit' iemand?
Curious about miniatures
What’s something people casually do with babies without realizing it’s bad that pisses you off?
Rodents ate up my mom's dollhouse
"Research is limited" ; "Not much is known"
Mother and son bids farewell to father
Should you tell a friend their chosen baby name is ripe for teasing?
How to talk to daughter about her weight?
Can’t stop thinking about/ regretting the past and it’s making me depressed