What’s your funny name for old faithful?
Thanks to whoever took a dump in the toilets that aren’t even on.
~15 years as a carpenter, finally got bit.
Is this his worst tattoo yet?
First movie that pops into your head when you see Brad Pitt
Josh is back at the same mall 😭
How would you end the Simpsons?
Josh Japan Arc episode 1
Your latest oopsiedaisy moment?
What scene makes you wince every time you see it?
I got the construction laboring job! Any advice for my first week?
What’s the hottest place you’ve been to in your life?
Deleted Call Logs by Mistake how can I recover?
Rare W for Jack
His court dates were previously cancelled and he appears to be indefinitely institutionalized.
Is this an LPR or Surveillance Cam by Local Police
who else hitting the slopes rightt now?
Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road founder) after being pardoned. Spent over 11 years in prison.
Full fight clip
I need help with stomach pain from coke
40M bored wired and too much left
What’s your go too song to start a sesh!?
Where are my fellow Tuesday night skiers? 😜
Anyone on the slopes as well? F18 Be cool!