Drake is soooo shady bruh lol
What do you HATE about after school activities?
Found this on Libby 🤔
At What Age Did You Pass Your Mom And Dad In Height? What's Your Current Height Today?
Why all of the sudden the hate on Playboi Carti?
People Magazine
Justin and hailey moving?!
Zoomers born in '97 (ONLY). Do you remember 9/11? If so, what do you remember?
Where were you doing 5 years ago when the first COVID lockdown happened (03/13/2020)?
Aww the hobosexual is doing basic house duties for his bang maid 🤣🙄
So Tough to Make Friends in Kelowna
What’s Abel’s most brainrot lyric?
He wonders why they keep Carly away...
She's still going. Part #84
Thinking about relocating...
Throwback Maci & Rhine 2008/2009
Change in internet in shared utilities home
What is a popular song that people forgot about?
She was so insane for this
Acotar names
Am I the only one who called Azriel shadowsLinger?
As the photo says. Also, I really like this photo, it looks very nice.
Teen Mom names that you would use in real life?
What age do you want to have kids?
song that sends you back to 2008