Millennials, what's something you were taught growing up that turned out to be completely wrong in adulthood?
Elon Musk says SpaceX will go to Mars at the end of next year
Why isn’t euthanasia legal yet? I want to be set free.
I’m 15 and I have High Functioning Autism, how do I stop feeling like a kid?
Is it important to learn life skills like changing a tire or fixing minor leaks?
Getting motes through Alert missions is so nice
2000 Days!!
Dear Nikon: this is NOT a key feature
Is it possible for a mildly autistic male to build muscle just like their peers?
What’s a random “life hack” you swear by, even if no one believes it works?
Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?
Do any of you just like to prepare your breakfast the night before?
Why is drinking warm water better for you than drinking cold/ice water?
Who’s the best Warframe and why is it Nezha?
is anyone here able to answer this? I'm having a really hard time trying to.
I hate this pen specifically, anyone else?
Is it possible to get 165 platinum in a month?
What is something that, no matter how simply put, you still cannot understand?
What made you lose a lot of weight?
Why have my high-end PCs failed so quickly while my MacBook Pro keeps going strong?
25M - Does the sadness ever go away?
anyone else like this?
What games is it for y’all
50 year ago, we had sugary beverages, greasy fast food, etc. Why is obesity so much more prevalent now?
What is the point of celebrating that your house has gone up far in value, when any house you now try to buy will ALSO have gone up far in value