The underdog rule in Ashes Without Number...
Abolish the income tax and replace it with nothing?
Need to create margin around desktop...
What’s a widely accepted American norm that the rest of the world finds strange?
A question about anarcho capitalism
Americans I don't get your raw Milk obsession
French Onion Dip
Big wooden table with 12 integrated bowls. Bought in the Netherlands. From 1893
Will they clear the game with no continues?
How can anyone think this a good idea? The only reason I can thing of is if you’re funded by “big plastic” - is that a thing?
Has anyone had success using Theobromine for ADHD?
Google life expectancy 100 years ago
NOT TRYING TO OFFEND ANYONE..What do you call a man with no arms and legs trying to water Ski?
Do you remember that song by Crystal Gayle about a particularly rough bout of anal sex?
How do people with ADHD nap? Is it possible? Is it good quality napping?
Eating Fermented Beef, aka 'High Meat'
What phrase is said or worded incorrectly that really grinds your gears?
Piano tuner/tech business name
What is a contemporary tabletop (board or card) game that may attain legacy status like Chess or Go?
What's our thoughts on trademarks and intellectual property rights?
You have intruders in your house and are heavily armed & prepared. What song do you tell Alexa to play?
Doctor suggested taking "drug holidays"
That's so disgusting.
Is this the free market?
What's something about the US that is totally normal to a US citizen, that Europeans can't seem to wrap their heads around?