What’s everyone burning tonight?
Houston, we have a problem
I ain’t ever seen the shoe rack so stocked🔥
Bought 8, not just 3 🤪
Fake dentist ran ‘complex dental operations’ out of illegal home office, causing nerve damage and ‘partial facial paralysis’ to patients
Dogs that brutally killed grandmother were high on cocaine
Who remembers Pocket Poker & Pocket Slots
How I Spent My Adult Money
I had to do a haul 🙈
And they are all half off today at goodwill !
Parents who kept 11-year-old son with autism in enclosure ‘similar to a jail cell’ for 6 years in feces-filled home avoid prison time
Body Care Sale
What are y’all burning today?
Mystic Glue 🦍 💨
No idea what to do with this
There are over 200 dead bodies on Mount Everest
If your orders are delayed or canceled, it could be due to this disturbance at the warehouse…
Which candles are in everyone’s carts?
One of my memories from this day 10 years ago. 😆
Lime Swallowtail
Happy National Nutrition Month
Yikes! Erasers
Found in the wild