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📣 FREE CompTIA training for Queens Residents 📣
📣 FREE CompTIA training for Ventura County Residents 📣
[spoiler alert] We're building an awesome tool to get more people into tech, but we need your help!
CompTIA SSO Migration Issues
WARNING: PearsonVue login methods changed! Check your accounts!
Lost my free voucher, I hate this.
SME recruitment: Linux Experts Needed
Just passed my Linux+!
Just passed my A+ 1001 exam with an 802. lets goooo!! 🎉
CompTIA Data+ Beta Testers needed
Weekly Promo Thread
SME recruitment: Business Analyst Experts Needed
Cloud Essentials+ beta testers needed
Comptia revoked my cert.
Call for SMEs: Server Experts Needed
Call for SMEs: Linux Experts Needed
Questions needed RE: A+ Core rollout
Typo on CNSP stackable Acclaim page?
Claim Your CompTIA Digital Badge Today
Beginning to study, should I study for the A+ 900 series exams or 1000 exams?
PenTest+ Beta takers, the wait -Almost- is over.