Where do you guys like to buy already printed proxies?
Seize the means comrades, truly enjoy MTG. <3
Fighting in a relationship is not normal, and people who think it is are weird
Most unpopular opinions are rooted in ableism and privilege.
Reading books is an obsolete way of learning, kids are better off scrolling the internet.
Using /s is Cowardly
Paying for an escort/prostitute is just as morally acceptable as paying for a therapist
You should encourage and accept All forms of proxying in TCG and CCGs as well as miniatures.
You should always pick up If you can items that have fell on the floor at a store, even if it's not your fault that it's on the floor.
If you're using a goods pickup service (on site) shut your vehicle off during loading.
Red L in green dot
Storm, Force of Nature - Dave Cockrum art- First Appearance of Storm
Can we take a second to talk about Commander's Quarters?