AIO- I am banning phones from the bathroom because my husband doomscrolls social media for up to an hour while "pooping".
My Ex's Boyfriend suddenly texted me saying he wants to fight
Eggs for sale?
Where can I go if I want to safely see a bear in the wild?
Have you completely lost respect for the office for the office of the presidency?
What kitchen utensil is this?
[Question] People who started Horus Heresy with limited knowledge of 40k?
Mayor Reinert’s statement on ICE raid in Duluth
Clickhouse replication issue between two nodes
Has anyone tried these before? I’ve been eyeing them at my local Costco
SOS stuck in a ditch just north of the cloquet exit
is duluth cool
Anybody in NE Minnesota that can tell me what -51 is like?
Can someone achieve this physique without steroids?
Kava seems impractical and inconvenient
I really like this guy's personality, but I'm not attracted to him physically. What should I do?
Is it realistic to get around Duluth entirely by bus?
Not my original post, but interested in how this community would answer the question: You can only add 2 ingredients. What are y’all adding?
What are y’all adding?
I have managed to maintain a romance with both laezel and shadowheart through the whole game
Very strange interaction at Washington Square park
How much better is a class a misdemeanor over a felony?
Best Greasy-spoon diner?
Mexican food-hear me out guys
Lawyers Charging $50,000 for 2 Felonies
Would you recommend duluth?