Buyers Remorse?
Need an IR blaster (I think) for a very simple task
They did it! Yolink built a local hub.
Musk Stinks Sign
It does work...
DC Metro Fantasy Map Update!
Calculator for engineers of a certain age...
Appeal for custom firmware (ESPHome)
North Dakota Proposing Bill to Overturn Gay Marriage
Feds: See something, say something.
A troubling development in The Walled Garden.
Are there inverter generators more than 20 years old that still work?
Republicans Proposed Cuts to Civil Service Employees.
Fortianalyzer perpetual license : FAZ-VM-GBx
Reopen Door to Let Passengers On
I’m confused… Plot hole.
Power outages in Aspen hill?
Whats the mechnical explanation of the common things people do (vaseline, alcohol) to make suction cups stick better to surfaces?
0.15 release allocating IO pins to usermod modules (by default)?
You may already have a Natural Gas usage monitor! (If you live in Maryland)
What local MC restaurants do you consider institutions?
2022/23 Niro EV
Is there some WLED Mock/Simulator/Digital Twin?
16/3 vs 18/3 cable?
Very Specific Question - Does anyone here (1) have Solar Panels and (2) use PEPCO's "time-of-day" peak/off-peak billing