Question for those in Wales/England
Second donation complete!
What are some positive things about having AvPD? Are there any?
Woke up with this and next donation is coming up
Guys I just did one of the scariest things (for me)
Who is this guy? [Waterloo, Canada]
A message I may or may not send
What are some worthwhile things you have done? What are you most proud of? Easy or difficult- share your achievements and inspire others
Dilated pupils- NHS frustrations being passed around
Transplant recipients as donors?
Failure to thrive - Feeding tube?
What’s the highest billrubin level ever recorded?
Biliary Drain and/or 2nd liver transplant??
I am 29, Had Kidney transplant 4 months back, What's the Life expectancy, Any idea?
Reddit AMA on Liver Transplant - Mayo Clinic
Long term survivors- where and how are you now?
Moses baskets and a few other questions
Coping Resources To Not Think About My Groomer?
My 12 year old daughter was an organ donor. AMA
I’m facing the prospect of a second transplant and I’m scared
Biliary Tube experiences?
How would you cook this for a roast dinner?
What time of day did you get The Call?
Something was done to my intestines as well during my liver transplantation, but what?
Spaghetti with pesto, potato & beans