What are your thoughts on Fractional Reserve Banking?
How do we stop the rich from capturing the state?
“Listen, man, I just need some liquidity.” Robin Williams explains the Great Financial Crisis like a junkie looking for his next fix 😅
Bernie logic
The Many Sources of Economic Rent – Part 3: Pollution
On what grounds do you object to austrian methodology?
Exploitation and Austrian Economics
Inflation is theft of purchasing power.
$200 million in debt per hour is why houses don’t cost $938 anymore.
Thoughts on PINOCHET
Why is the CMOS chip volatile?
New Challenge: Collaboration Between Deep Learning and Prolog
I’m 400 elo and I’m tired of it.
Whats the purpose of scales if they can change mid song?
concrete answers what is the most "heavenly" thing you have heard?
Is the claim that "thomas sowell is not respected/taken seriously by economists and is more of a partisan/ideologue than an serious thinker" accurate?
Trump: "You are perfect the way God made you"
Can someone help?
This is what the Federal Reserve did to your money. Inflation is why you are broke. END THE FED.
Chat, what’s the Austrian perspective on this? Spending drops but inflation is up
Money is a commodity right?
"If we sell 10 million, which is possible ... that’s $50 trillion. That means our debt is totally paid off, and we have $15 trillion above that."President Trump says the new 'gold card' visa program could wipe out U.S. debt.
"The problem is the people who are trying to build more housing..." Why do people become so irrational when discussing the economics of housing? I see so many ignorant comments that are essentially: "The problem isn't the supply... it's the price!"
Best hidden-gem AE book(s)?
The Give Me My Healthcare Taxes Back Act - $11k/year raise for typical worker