What artist can you simply not stop telling people about?
Are these legit?
16 and 51.
High quality eyeglasses for big heads? 150mm frame width
Happy Friday! What is everyones Friday evening session look like?
New pair…for my wife
Any good wacky sounding music recommendations?
What tf do I do with this?
Who is the best punk band to see live?
Hep B vaccine - long term smoker
What are some hardcore punk bands?
Me at 17 and now at 57
Just lost a pet of 8 years today. Gimme the heaviest shit
Songs about narcissists & cutting them off?
pay your dachshund tax!!!! Sleeping pics!!!!
Window Watching
JMM Torino
What was the worst thing you did on your Mission?
PSA wear earplugs
Red Wing Brogue
What JMM cases do you have?
What era is this tag
I accidentally got this picture of Jay Low with his tongue out. Let’s see your dog’s tongue pics!
Any songs a pothead would like?
Any thoughts on my new puppy’s mix?