UPDATE: TRIP REPORT: Took the LSAT with no studying, on magic mushrooms
admitted students day
Does anyone know what happened at Trinity College Registrar's office over the weekend?
Friend said I should post here. Please don’t be mean
People who watch YouTube and Netflix at 2x speed are maniacs
Is UTM commerce really that bad as people always say ?
It would be really funny if we gathered all the Rotman Commerce students and we melted them down and then mashed them all into a perfect spherical ball that will hover above the Earth like the Sun
How to promote fine jewelry brand?
if i got my final grade is on the verge of pass, will prof let me pass?
Is law school a good place to find a wife
How many RC clubs can I join
Is there a limit on the amount of bacehlors degrees one can obtain from UofT?
CRI205 marks are out and i think i'm going to crash out lol
What tools do you use related to university work?
Would you rather have a good professor, or a professor who releases grades extremely quickly?
What Debt to Pay First?
My school does not give A+ no wonder some people be like "I have a 4.2 LOL!!!
How can I check my LSAC GPA before applying?
AIO for considering breaking up with my boyfriend over these texts he sent to an only fans model?
Networking (with upper years) 💀
Can someone please send me the Eco102 syallabus for this year's winter term winter 2025 either from Tyler or Jorgi
AIO my friend (m22) is dating a high schooler (f17)
Question about people here at this school。。。。。。。。
do we really need the eco102 and rsm219 textbooks or would a pdf be good enough