Publix is proven to be ripping you off
What is your salary vs your rent?
Never Thought I’d See This in Miami…
It’s finally hit me.
Grocery prices and eating out
Ice cream cake options in Miami area?
Anyone in Miami bad at soccer, want to group up and play?
Where do you guys work remotely in the city?
Stupid mini-rant on 97.3
OBGYN recommendations???
F is for the people - always and forever
Wonderland closed today disappointed ☹️ too many people whole Chaos
Is there a worse couple on the show than these two?
My crazy boss has given me a formal warning for having bad breath and body odor!
People who have office jobs where you "don't do anything" because you can finish the work in less then the 8 hours required: what degree did you get.
Is this normal?
There was…shrinkage
In your college what did the most popular kid grow up to be?
What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no prep?
What would you tell your 16 year old self about dating?
Thoughts about Mike and Aziza? He kinda gives me creeps, and she is so anxious that I feel deeply sorry for her 😬
Big Apple "Collectibles" has finally gone out of business, you say?
Leading baby food manufacturers knowingly sold products with high levels of toxic metals, a congressional investigation found
YSK that if you have children, or even just someone who really loves you, you shouldn’t avoid being in pictures
Kitchenaid Artisan Mixer Backorder