Something super off with the taste of these cigarettes
Prices in Dallas TX, New Orleans LA or Charlotte NC?
Yeah, I Smoked All Of Them Myself! The McFakey Collection As Of March 2025.
How old is thos packet?
Vintage Mexican Faros NF cigarettes from the early 1990s. These are some very good smokes!
This design can’t be legal for long
What are your thoughts on american spirits?
How are these cheaper than normal cigs?
Where can I find out the laws on Indian cigarettes in Canada?
Best cigarettes for enjoying tobacco taste without inhaling?
Any good cigarettes in the US?
4 down, 46 to go
Are these legit?
do yall keep your cigs in a case?
Winston Menthols
Moving old couch
I fill up my zippo at a petrol station in 1994 when I was 17. Yes it worked fine.
What are the best ultra light cigarettes ?
Turning 21 this week going to smoke ONE pack what’s it gonna be?
Are these real?
Enjoying players while watching the hockey!
Do you really enjoy smoking?
Trying some new stuff today
What a quarter at UCLA does to a man