Random syncing with enemy sylveon
Yoongjae’s interview
YJ is a nice guy. But I’m not convinced he’s a good guy.
Congrats to the winner of survivor 43
Many Azurill Adamant 5IV and Charcadet 5IV
Scarlet and Violet Daily Casual Trade Thread for 01 December 2022
Check it out!
AITA for keeping this stray cat?
Daily Discussion Thread for August 18, 2022
Truly chef’s kiss when everyone rotated to dread for the entirety of the game. Wow
For all you bros out there
Amanda Kimmel "really wants to go back one more time"
The Survivor 42 final five speak!
EW Exit Interview with Survivor 42 3rd place finisher
What's something you can say during sex and at Six Flags?
What is something you did frequently as a kid but looking back now, makes you go “I could have died”?
Which one time Survivor player would like to see back for a second chance? Preferably a non-winner
You actually have to "survive" on a island for 39 days...what player do you take with you?
The last thing you googled is hunting you right now and is approaching fast, whats chasing you?
Ok snorlax, I got the memo
I made new villagers for each villager species! ^^ Tried to fill in missing personalities for some of them
This’ll be fun.
What's a video game that no one but you seems to remember?
'Survivor' player says a fresh pair of underwear was rubbed into dirt before she was allowed to wear them