100LL AvGas and skin contact
Why do the moderators have a character limit? Is this a power trip?
Taking my private checkride tomorrow. Stump me
Imma let you finish but CAD about to make the biggest comeback of all time OF ALL TIME
Beware Microsoft base bait and switch.
REU 2025 Megathread
What do you think of the strong reactions that some Americans are having after being on Rednote?
can someone help take care of my senior cat?
Those that aren't from Toronto, do you plan on leaving once you graduate?
Office manager requesting 50% raise to $45/hr
TIL you can earn $75,000 per year in Canadian dividends while paying nearly zero income tax
What should be in a pre-purchase inspection and how much should it cost?
Is it faux pas to discuss accidents?
City of Vancouver Bylaw #9150
What’s the max you allow someone to go over the speed limit before you pull them over?
TransLink to create new measures to reduce fare evasion | Urbanized
How do you get confident talking on the radios?
How many fights / violent incidents do you break up in a year?
This is weird, but has anyone experienced this at the eaton centre?
please don’t come here if your plan is to transfer in to a program you didn’t get into
Carb heat off on short final?
What's it like working in data science or engineering roles at WealthSimple?
REU 2024 Megathread
Seller still owes money on appliances and is telling me to start paying for them.
For those in Canada, how do people solo in so few hours?