gaming with ocd is torture sometimes
a single jingling sound from a toy and he'll end up like this.
My male pigeon trying to impress my female pigeon. But she walks away and asks me to pick her up 😂.
Found my old Pens jersey shirts
My husband said women in media make a fuss about SA and that 'I know you wouldn't ever do that.'
What do you think is the 2020s version of this?
WIBTA for not going to my sister’s wedding because her venue is not wheelchair accessible?
AITA that I am upset by a surprise “singing chef” during my wedding?
Should my brother [17M] and I [17F] invite my brother's [32M] crush [30?M] to Chinese New Year dinner? [Short] [Concluded]
How are people spending so much time doing the morning pages?
Is re-mordanting necessary?
Fiancée doesn't want to introduce me to her friends or interact with them.
TTC Opposer gets Etsy strike within 24 hours of speaking up against about the drama
I've fallen into the rabbit hole of making my own nail polishes
"My dress is not what I wanted and I am heartbroken..." but there's a twist!
AITA for telling a lady to get her dog out of the restaurant because it freaked my 3 year old daughter out.
AITA for asking a guest to not crochet at my bachelorette party?
My ex turned up last night drunk. Tomorrow is his wedding day. Should I tell his soon to be wife?
Qing Fibre Responds
Packing, selling some of my personal collection
Where has Magpie gone?
What the...
Working on a 3D printed electric yarn spinner.
Honey Water FTW
Why would a snail do this? (ignore caption)