How to write in paragraphs, then 3 columns, then goes back to paragraphs
Not sure what he's up to but "Hell no!"
Why was there a deer leg in the hole 12 trash??
Saw a very strange human outside the Vatican City
A question about strange people
Rejected by cults? People keep comming up to me and leaving.
I’m embarrassed to even admit this, but how do I get a thicker skin from teenagers being jerks?
How many showers a day?
What’s the secret Why all Australians smell good?
What do you do that makes 100k +?
This shit is inhumane
Smores . . .
Decline in TESOL/ESOL
Australia is not told shit.
I give you, the worst party name in politics history!
Everyone’s Hands Are Tied
I'm 23 and I've destroyed my life forever...
Advice for someone who doesn’t know what their passion is?
Why are English Teaching Jobs still underpaid?
Why do westerners in Thai subs seem so jaded?
Is this the most unstable "stable" career ever?
I cannot take this anymore
What determines which state I have to register with?
I made a very specific post but it got deleted. Meditators here need to read posts more carefully